Lumenis Pollogen

Lumenis Pollogen offers one of our most comprehensive treatment protocols for skin rejuvenation and body contouring. This amazing machine has combined three leading industry technologies: Hybrid Energy, which involves micro-needling with radiofrequency, TriLipo technology, which harnesses the radiofrequency to melt fat, and Dynamic Muscle Activation, which helps lift loose skin from its deepest layers. Combined, these three technologies provide effective enhancement of overall skin structure. Our patients notice increased skin thickening, reduced crepiness, and a more sculpted physique over a short course of treatments.

What Can I Expect With Treatment?

Treatment with Pollogen is simple and effective. Our patients experience no or very little downtime associated with the procedure. Better yet, multiple areas of the body can be treated in one session. Dr. Day typically recommends 3-6 45 minute sessions 2-3 weeks apart depending on specific concerns. However, a personalized treatment protocol will be crafted for you upon consultation.

Is Pollogen Right for me?

If you are looking for a complete cosmetic treatment that incorporates fat melting and skin tightening in the same process, Pollogen may be ideal for you. The device is suitable for all skin types and can help an extremely wide range of cosmetic concerns such as:

  • skin thickening, tightening and contouring and resurfacing
  • improvement of acne scars
  • treatment of double chin
  • cellulite reduction, fat melting, body contouring
  • stretch mark and scar improvement

Call us today to schedule a consultation!